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November 12, 2017

A Consensus of Clowns

Mr. James Graham has had no formal training and possesses no credentials in Biology. Nor has he been trained in or possess credentials in any other science. We who have actually acquired advanced scientific education and who possess the relevant credentials therefore, can, with impunity, ignore the fact that solely through the application of evolutionary logic he predicted the discovery of cancer-triggering mechanisms—oncogenes—in all normal somatic cells of all Bilaterian animals. He did that in draft papers sent to numerous biologists and to journals (including, in 1979, Evolution) years before such genes were discovered. (1)

We can also ignore another fact, that a 2018 search [sleep + "immune system"] at Google Scholar, which was launched in 2004, yields several links which are strongly supportive of the assertion made in his 1992 book Cancer Selection that sleep performs an anti-cancer function and that "Future discoveries of increased immune activity ... during sleep would support [this idea]."

Neither should we notice how intriguing is his observation that pediatric cancers, in contrast to those occurring in adult humans, most often originate at sites that have undergone recent evolutionary modification. (2)

Although Graham has had no medical training he learned enough about cancer to construct a plausible theory synthesizing that disease with the evolution of complex animals; his peer-reviewed 1983 Letter is even entitled Cancer and Evolution: Synthesis. But we genuine scientists need not engage in any such self-education. Cancer is obviously a medical matter and since it is not mentioned in our textbooks or discussed at our conferences we need not give serious thought to his proposition.

It is also with considerable relief that, thanks to his lack of credentials, we have no need to venture from the Biology silo and familiarize ourselves with concepts (none of them mentioned in our textbooks) that he imports from disciplines associated with the human-controlled manufacture of modern airplanes and other ultra-complex end-products; we can ignore his arguments for the essentiality in the evolution of complex Bilaterians of "quality control," "learning curves," "feedback loops." and "fail-safe mechanisms." We can, in other words, ignore his view that the historical fact of Bilaterian evolution implies the existence, throughout evolutionary time, of a highly-efficient comprehensive system that ensured the "perfect" construction of all the actual ancestral specimens.  

Because he lacks credentials a few of us who deigned to read what he wrote, revised⸻ substantivelyhis published theory and then dismissed it (the revised version) as an irrelevancy. For example, although he makes clear in the opening sentences of his 1983 Letter that his theory states that defenses against lethal cancer in developing animals were essential to the origin and evolution of complex animals, one scientist announced to a group of students that any such juvenile cancer deaths were merely expressions of "stabilizing selection." No heavily-credentialed scientist would dare revise the central core of a theory published by one of his similarly-festooned colleagues, but we are, after all, dealing with a Mister Graham. 

With few exceptions all of us are currently employed in what might be called "Biology Inc." Why would we jeopardize our position in that communal enterprise by seriously considering a claim from a rank outsider that our central theory is fundamentally unsound?

Our theory says all complex animals, including humans, came to exist as a result of the same evolutionary mechanisms that produced jellyfish, pine trees, mushrooms and all other colonial multicells. We claim there was never a need for a quality-assuring feedback loop between the somatic cells of developing Bilaterians and their controlling gene pools. And since Mister Graham is the only person claiming that our theory of Bilaterian evolution is a failure—he says that since it cannot explain the unbroken chains of "perfect" construction of ancestral specimens it cannot explain the existence of a single complex animal—we shall continue to teach it to future generations of real scientists. (3)


1. Although it earned a Nobel Prize for Bishop and Varmus, the evolutionary community viewed the discovery of cancer triggers (oncogenes) in all normal Bilaterian cells as not worthy of interest. In the years since their discovery, oncogenes have not, to my knowledge, been mentioned in any papers published by professional evolutionists.

2. I do not claim priority for noting that most pediatric cancers originate at sites subject to recent evolutionary revision, but it is possible that I may indeed have been the first. If others made that connection earlier, no relevant publications have come to my attention.

3. In 2016 I submitted to a journal a brief paper which was a succinct version of the argument made in this 2012 posting. As required by that journal I provided the names and contact information for six credentialed scientists (all with doctorates) who had agreed to act as potential reviewers of the paper they had read in draft form. Five of those scientists had cited my publications in their own papers. The journal's editor(s?) decided not to not ask any of the six to review it. Instead it was sent to an anonymous reviewer who decided it was his/her job to review not the submitted paper but the peer-reviewed theory published in the 1980s in the Journal of Theoretical Biology. Although that reviewer's comments clearly show that he/she had a severe reading comprehension problem with the central argument in the submission, the journal nonetheless based its rejection on them. 

Further reading:

Richard Dawkins Climbs Mount Impossible

At this site you will find links to additional material including my original Letters to the Journal of Theoretical Biology and the 1992 Nature review of my book.

Copyright © 2017 by James Graham

This site is archived at Way Back Machine.

September 1, 2017

Links to All Postings

This is a list of all my postings in posting-date order, from the most recent to the oldest.

Starfish Secrets: Did Echinoderms Cure Cancer? [New Material Added]

Two Influential 19th Century Thinkers: Richard Dawkins and Jerry Coyne

Richard Dawkins Climbs Mount Impossible

The Consensus of Clowns

Not. My. Peers. (Part Two)

Not. My. Peers. (Part One)

This is Not "The Chicken or the Egg?" Question

My Correspondence with Thomas S. Kuhn

Cephalopod Secrets

Strong Science, Weak Logic

Reposted: Speeding Neutrinos, Cold Fusion and ... Cancer Triggers?
Re-posted: Speeding Neutrinos, Cold Fusion ... and Cancer Triggers? - See more at:

Free Ebook Now Available

Updated: Visitors to This Site ... and Their Favorite Postings - See more at:

Updated: Visitors to This Site ... and Their Favorite Postings - See more at:
Feedback Loops, One-Eyed Thinking and Turbo-Charged Selection

A Prohibited Animal

Who Has Been Visiting This Site?

On the Origin of Bilateral Symmetry

Cancer Discovered in Hydra?

On Peto's Paradox

An Open Letter to Armand Marie Leroi (Continued)

Starfish Secrets: Did Echinoderms Cure Cancer?

Did a Carcinogenic Crucible Produce the Human Brain?

The Chapter Five Argument: Explaining Two Megafacts

The Axillae of San Stefano
The Chapter Five Argument: Explaining Two Megafacts - See more at:

An Open Letter to Armand Marie Leroi

Evaluating the Reviewer (Part Three)

Evaluating the Reviewer (Part Two)

Evaluating the Reviewer (Part One)

Do Naked Mole Rats Confirm that Senescence is a Cancer Defense?

Once in Galapagos a Lady ...

Twenty-five Questions Not Solved by Conventional Evolutionary Theory

Advice I Cannot Possibly Follow

How Did Bilaterian Evolution Happen? (Continued)

How Did Bilaterian Evolution Happen?

No, It Is Not Neo-Darwinism, and, Yes, It Is Radical

Speeding Neutrinos, Cold Fusion ... and Cancer Triggers?

A Revealing Exchange of Emails

Google Scholar: Citations to my Publications

Sleep: Post-Publication Confirmations?

L'espirit de l'avion

My Talk at the University of California, San Francisco

May 9, 2017

Not. My. Peers. (Part Two)

Does Competency in Theoretical Biology Require Superior Intelligence?

If one were to ask members of the public whether or not a particular profession demanded high intelligence most would answer "Yes" to "Evolutionary Biology." Ask Americans to name a fellow countryman, living or dead, who they associate with "evolution" and many would name Stephen Jay Gould. Many of his admirers would even claim he had been a "great" theorist. 

Now consider what Gould wrote in the March 29, 1984 issue of The New York Review of Books: "I am hopeless at deductive sequencing...I never scored particularly well on so-called objective tests of intelligence because they stress logical reasoning ..."  Having scored in the ninety-ninth percentile on more than one of those tests, I do not consider persons with intellectual inadequacies similar to Gould's to be my peers.  

Perhaps Gould was an exception, a masterful self-promoter and a skillful writer who managed to hide his "hopeless" inability to engage in logical thinking. Well, in light of my first encounter with him and the weird popularity of his co-written paper inspired by Gothic architecture, I suspect that the field is over-populated with his intellectual equals. His peers. Not mine.

Not. My. Peers. (Part One)

peer (noun)

"  ... a person who is equal to another in abilities ... "

As the author of a paper submitted to a journal I expected that anyone asked by editors to evaluate it would at least be my intellectual equal. Unfortunately, experience with two biology journals convinced me that, judged solely by their written comments, the evaluators of my submission were not my peers. They were my intellectual inferiors.

April 28, 2017

This is Not "The Chicken or the Egg?" Question

Let's begin with the definition of a "vital" organ: A group of specialized somatic cells performing a function that is essential to the viability of the organism; if such an organ is destroyed or suffers irreparable major damage the organism dies.

Now here is the question: Which came first, an organism with a vital organ or a gene pool capable of controlling developmental mitosis with the precise efficiency required to construct such an organ?